Family Recipes
So I recently convinced my mom to let me have some of her grandmother’s recipes.
I don’t recall my great-grandmother cooking many of them (aside from gingerbread men – eating their heads and such) but I remember my mom making them and they were delicious.
The only caveat to getting the recipes is that I protect the original. Meaning I can’t share it like I have my other creations/discoveries/concoctions. I’ll likely expand on them to try and make them my own but the original won’t be readily available. Sry.
I’m going to be greedy though and say I want it on the website so I can index the ingredients for my own usage. So here’s what I’m gonna do, I’ll post those recipes just like anything else, but I’ll have it password protected.
So if you know how to contact me and really want access shoot me a text, email, or FB message and I’ll send the password.
Ok, I think that’s all. Now I’m officially off to the store to get supplies for the “exposed tart” recipe I just posted. 🙂